Bear Grylls: Breaking Point
Tv-serien: Bear Grylls: Breaking Point

Bear Grylls: Breaking Point

12 ordinary people confront their extraordinary fears in some of the toughest places on Earth. Bear's reputation is on the line in each challenging episode as he helps two people to face the phobias and anxieties that dominate their lives.

Om tv-serien
  • Längd: 44 minuter
  • Serien har avslutats
  • 0% gillar TV-serien

Om Bear Grylls: Breaking Point

Serien hade premiär 2015 och varje avsnitt är ungefär 44 minuter. Totalt har 6 avsnitt sänts uppdelat på 1 säsonger och tyvärr har serien lagts ner och det kommer inga nya avsnitt.


  • Bear Grylls
    Himself - Host

Senaste inspelade avsnittet

Trees and Insects

2015-04-06 | avsnitt 6

Imagine being so scared of trees that you can’t even look at one, or take your son to the park. Well, Maricela has a phobia of trees that has blighted her entire life. She has no idea how it started, but she wants it to end right now - in the middle of the Mexican jungle, with Bear Grylls pushing her to confront the trees that she actually believes can kill her. Meanwhile, Mike flinches every time he sees or hears an insect flying towards him. Together, they’re about to face their fears head on.

Säsonger för Bear Grylls: Breaking Point

  • Säsong 1

    Säsong 1

    2015 | 6 avsnitt


  • Reality
  • Dokumentär